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About Me

Who am I?

Who am I? When I got my first computer at the age of 7, I was curious about two things:

  1. 1. How can I play more games?
  2. 2. How this thing works?

Curiosity hadn't killed the cat yet, but lots of computer parts were not as lucky. The natural step after making lots of experiments with the hardware was to create things that can run on a computer.

In the begginning, it was more about pranking my friends by sending them emails from some funny sender addresses through a PHP server. Then, I realized how easy and cheap was to create web pages by using templates and started a side bussiness that kept me busy and got me some extra bucks during the high school. That bussiness also led me to learn a lot about how the internet works as I was hosting and maintaining my customers web pages on my own server.

Later on, I graduated from law school and founded my own law firm. I was totally surprised by how limited and expensive the tech tools were for the lawyers who wanted to automate some of their processes. During my career as a lawyer, I developed multiple applications for my own use cases such as an online client portal, a cloud-based document management system, an automated text message sender, and many more, in addition to some non-profit projects such as a petition generator and a voter tracking system.

At some point, I decided to learn coding like a pro instead of producing makeshift solutions. That decision eventually led me to leave my career as a lawyer behind and become a full-stack developer.

I was amazed by the solutions people had found for the problems I also faced during my experiments with code - such as git 😅 - and developed an understanding of core principles and methodologies such as DRY, DDD, TDD, SOLID, Separation of Concerns, etc.

Along the way, I discovered other languages too, such as Go, Python, and PHP. But I didn't like them as much as JavaScript.

As of now, although I have been a professional developer for a considerable time, I still have the curiosity and enthusiasm to experiment with new stuff and learn more.

What I do?

Fortunately, what I do and what I want to do are usually the same. Finding simple solutions to complex problems without compromising on robustness and principles is what makes me a happy developer.

That means that I don't have a shortlist of the tasks I like to do as long as the task can present a challenge. Of course, there were rather unpleasant tasks that I had to take care of, but some of the things I did with pleasure are listed below:

  • Creating & maintaining libraries
  • Preparing POCs and proposals
  • Hunting down legacy code
  • Developing native applications
  • Creating documentation
  • Defining processes, standards, and guidelines
  • Creating CI/CD pipelines
  • Deciding artchitecture and the tech stack for green-field projects
  • Reviewing code & getting my code reviewed